Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal 2

Upon doing a close reading I have come to the conclusion that a close reading is when the reader provides a summary and an analysis of a short text.  The text should be short in length so maximum detail can be written.  The summary of a close reading is a short description of the main events, main characters and main controversy of the text.  An analysis is when you provide your own opinion of the main characters and main scenes of the text.
After looking at numerous texts to do a close reading on, I found that gender roles are evident in just about every text.  I chose to do a close reading on the movie ‘Happy Gilmore’.  This movie is about a crazed hockey player turned golfer.  ‘Happy Gilmore’ was one of my favorite movies as a kid; however I was not aware of the male gender roles that are displayed in the movie.  I learned that the reason why this movie was a favorite of mine was because it appeals to a male’s fantasy.  The basis of this movie is a man who will fight anyone or anything in his way.  I and other males see fighting as a way to show dominance over other men.  No one can beat Happy when he fights.  This movie also broke the stereotype that all golfers are ‘sissy’ men.  Being a golfer I enjoyed seeing Happy break this stereotype by fighting numerous people throughout the movie.

Austin Kelly

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