Thursday, January 13, 2011

Journal 1

Thinking and reasoning are things you do throughout the day.  You wake up and think about what you’re going to wear to school, what you’re going to eat, and whether or not you should squeeze in a study session before that dreaded chemistry test first period.  You reason that wearing sweatpants and a school t-shirt will suit your clothing needs for the day, no breakfast, and no studying.  High School.  The move to college changed each and every way I think and reason.  Wearing nice clothes to impress the ladies is the “in” thing to do.  Eating healthy, and studying your butt off in class will lead you into a bright future.  You think, you reason, and now you write.  Why do you write? I write simply to splash my logic obtained through thinking and reasoning on a blank white document. To understand why I do the things I do, to analyze my reasoning process, and to help think about life.  I write to explain myself to the world, a world filled with people who are willing to listen. Whatever kind of writing it is I take the challenge and grab the bull by its horns. The one unique thing about my writing is that I try to make people laugh, no matter what I am writing about.
I expect ENG 112 to be an insightful class filled with stories to further my knowledge in the subject of writing.  I still can say that I have no clear definition of what writing is or what a writer is.  However, I can say that I write, and that if I continue to write I know I will eventually know through experience. 

1 comment:

  1. I like that you recognize that you're not sure what good writing is. Maybe you still won't have an answer by the end of the semester, but hopefully you'll have some more ideas!
