Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Journal 1

I consider myself a writer. Writing to me is an easy form of communicating that allows me to express myself through words. I believe that everyone is a writer but certain people are more advanced in their writing or enjoy it more than others. My writing can put my emotions on paper and make me feel like I’m changing someone’s viewpoint if they read my writing, or at least allow them a different perspective. For me personally, I write to earn the grade that I want for my academic classes. Writing for English class can sometimes be enjoyable but I don’t always like every topic. Writing allows me to communicate with anyone and can take the place of verbal communication. In addition to writing for English, I write to family and friends using various technologies. Whether that’s through email, facebook, cell phone, or by mail there are many ways to get my point across.

For this year I’m hoping to accomplish a few things. The first is to develop my ideas and take them the next step. I need to continue asking my self so what, when I come up with an idea. I’m also looking forward to taking a piece of literature and finding an idea and then writing an essay using the text and the idea. I’m hoping to expand my writing skills and learning new technology in this class. I look forward to a great semester.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your understanding of writing- it's a talent and a hobby but also often a necessary evil, too. But I hope you can have a little bit of fun this semester, too.
