Monday, January 10, 2011

Journal 1

Do you consider yourself a writer? Why or why not? In addition, why do you write—is it for a grade, leisure, communication, work, etc.? What are you hoping to accomplish in this class?

Due: Thursday, January 13


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  2. Do I think of myself as a writer? Not really, even going through grade school I never liked writing and I was not good at writing. When it came down to creative writing I could not think of anything write. Usually I have trouble starting out with a topic, but when I did my ideas would have trouble connecting. For class, when I have to write I try to put my best effort into the paper, always looking back at my main ideas making sure they make sense and connect. Receiving a good or decent grade on a paper is important to me. Regardless if I am writing for a class, email, or resume the content and the organization are vital. Over the years my writing has been better due to the practice and help from others.
    For second semester in English 112, I hope to develop better writing skills, such as rhetoric. Also, gain the insight behind easier ways to become a better writer by connecting main ideas together and proper english grammar.
