Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Journal 2

To me, close reading is analyzing a text. It’s dissecting a text piece by piece and then stating your view on what you feel the author’s message is. Evidence from the text must be used in order to support your idea. I feel the purpose of a close reading is to see if there is a deeper meaning to the text then what appears on the surface. Close reading allows a reader to really slow down and truly think about what the text is trying to say.

As I began to write my paper for Inquiry 1, I realized that not only the words speak in a text, but also, the illustrations can make an author’s message stronger or weaker. After doing a close reading on my favorite childhood book, Green Eggs and Ham, I realized there was a point behind the fun language and colorful illustrations. After inquiry 1, I have learned that if I truly take the time to analyze a text, I can discover a whole new meaning to it.

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